Does money buy happiness

There is frequent talk about how much money it takes for someone to truly be happy. Well, every individual has there own thoughts and perspective.

“It’s pretty well known that greater income is associated with greater levels of happiness,” - Jebb

While exploring the relationship between money and happiness, the researchers wanted to explore the relationship between income and sadness. The results may or may not surprise you; it turns out that while money doesn’t make people happy, it definitely can make them less sad. Higher income is associated with less daily sadness but not more daily happiness. When you think about it, it makes sense.

Buy experiences

Money can lend you the opportunity to have memorable experiences. Although you do not need a lot of money to have certain experiences, to travel the world and do so comfortably, significant amounts of money can go a long way. Therefore, spending money on experiences will give you many moments of happiness as well as positive memories to look back on.

One important point to note is that the experiences you pay for should be ones that you genuinely enjoy, not just things that society values. If you hate going to concerts, for example, then splurging to go to a show is not a good use of your money.
Picking up new skills and finding hobbies that we love will make us happier. Consequently, it is worthwhile to spend money to get more out of your hobbies and interests.
Even if you are an average earner just make a habbit to give a small amount from your earnings. Giving back to others also makes us happier. Sharing your wealth with those who need it can go a far way in others' lives. Being able to see the impact you are making is a warm feeling. Subsequently, wealth gives you a larger opportunity to give to charity and leave an impact that will leave both others and yourself better off.

Help the needy

Another great way to spend money is on people you care about. Helping a sibling, parent or friend through a tough time can be a great feeling. Even being able to throw extra money into a birthday party for your child or a good friend will make you happier.

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